REGIONAL NEWS | Winchester — It once included 1,300 buildings, 55 miles of roads, five miles of railroad tracks, and existed as a self-sustaining city of over 70,000 soldiers and another 12,000 civilians. Dr. Elizabeth Taylor’s has spent her writing life telling the stories of the people who lived at Camp Forrest and on Thursday, she will celebrate Veteran’s Day with a meet and greet, presentation, and book signing at the Franklin County American Legion Post 44.
Dr. Taylor’s written two books on the subject: America: Camp Forrest and Voices of Camp Forrest in World War II. (To read our book review of the Voices of Camp Forrest, click here.)
Though she’s not a native of Tennessee, Dr. Taylor told The Times during a 2019 interview that she became interested in Camp Forrest after researching the POWs who were housed there in WWII. It’s a little known fact that Camp Forrest served as a prisoner of war facility during WWII, which held prisoners of German, Japanese, and Italian descent. Prisoners worked on local farms, hospitals, and within the community. It was the first civilian internment camp in the nation at the time.
Her second book Voices of Camp Forrest in World War II explored topics such as the impact of Pearl Harbor on civilians and military personnel in the Middle Tennessee area, the construction of Camp Forrest, living and working at and around a city sized military installation as well as the effects of housing German prisoners of war throughout the area and the decommissioning of the base after the war.
Both books will be available for purchase prior to the event. There will be an author meet and greet from 5 to 5:30 p.m. followed by a hour long presentation about Camp Forrest followed by a question and answer period. Dr. Taylor will sign books from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The Franklin County American Legion is located at 110 North Vine Street in Winchester. The event is free and open to the general public. •
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