LOCAL NEWS | The Metro Council will meet on Monday in a regular scheduled meeting. The Council’s meetings usually take place on the third Monday of each month, but January’s meeting was rescheduled twice due to road conditions caused by the recent snow and ice.
New business on the agenda for this month includes a request to speak to the Council by local surveyor Chris Bateman. Bateman has been working with area developer Joe Denby to get two separate building projects approved: a set of duplexes off the Fayetteville Highway and a subdivision off Tanyard Hill Road.
The Council will also be asked to consider the rezoning of a 1.236-acre lot located off the Lynchburg Highway near the intersection of Hilltop Circle from C-1 (commercial) to R-1 (residential). The is the former location of the Becker Animal Clinic formerly owned by Dr. Neil Becker. The Metro Planning Commission recommended this change and added it to the agenda for the property owner.
Planning and Zoning officials will also address the Council concerning the current Metro ordinances surrounding travel trailers and subdivisions.
In a letter to the Council dated January 15, the Metro Planning Commission stated, “It has come to our attention that this ordinance is not working for Moore County. There have been numerous issues that just do not work when trying to enforce this ordinance. We ask that you please take your time to review, so a suitable solution can in place for the county.”
Currently in Moore County, travel trailer or RVs are not allowed as permanent dwellings but are allowed as temporary housing during the construction or rehab of a home if the homeowner gets a permit valid for 180 days. They will also address the current subdivision standards for the county, which have been on the agenda of the Metro Planning and Zoning Commission meeting with increased frequency. {To read our coverage of the latest Metro Planning discussions about subdivisions during their January meeting, click here. }
The Metro Council meets every third Monday of the month at the American Legion Building at 6:30 p.m. All Metro meetings are open to the public and any concerned citizen may address the Council on any agenda item during the public comment period. To have an item added to the agenda, contact your Metro Council member. A list of members can be found here. •
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