FAYETTEVILLE — Class of 2021 Project Graduation announced the date for the 2021 Miss Lynchburg Pageant this week. The annual fund-raising event will be held on Saturday, March 6 at the Fayetteville Recreation Center in Fayetteville.
The entry fee is $40 and all the proceeds go to Project Graduation, a MCHS parent-sponsored group dedicated to hosting safe, alcohol-free events for seniors on graduation night. There’s an optional Miss Photogenic contest for an additional $20 entry fee.
Registration packets will be available beginning on Tuesday, February 2 at MCHS. All entry forms must be returned to MCHS by Friday, February 19. To enter, the student in question must attend Moore County schools or be a resident of Moore County approved to attend Moore County schools. Categories range from Baby Miss (18 months to two years old) up to Miss Lynchburg for grades 10-12.
Organizers stress that the pageant is not a school-sponsored event. It will not be held at MCHS. Instead, it will take place at the Fayetteville Recreation Center located at 1203 Winchester Highway in Fayetteville. For more information, visit the MCHS Class of 2021 Facebook page by clicking here. •
{The Lynchburg Times is the only independently owned and operated community newspaper in Lynchburg, Tennessee. We cover Metro Moore County government, Jack Daniel’s Distillery, Nearest Green Distillery, Tims Ford State Park, Motlow State Community College, Moore County High School, Moore County Middle School, Lynchburg Elementary, Raider Sports, plus regional and state news.}