ARTS & CULTURE | Film — A new documentary, Filling the Void, which explores the heroic efforts of four climber / land conservation groups to obtain Denny Cove inside South Cumberland State Park for permanent protection and climbing access will premiere on September 26 in Nashville. Steep South produced the film.
Located off Scenic Highway 150, Denny’s Cove features beautiful, southern facing, sandstone cliff lines. Several years ago access was limited to weekends only due to the fact that the area was owned by a timber company. It’s located inside South Cumberland State Park, which stretches across Franklin, Grundy, Marion, and Sequatchie counties.
That changed when several groups including the Southeastern Climber Coalition (SCC) Access Fund, Friends of South Cumberland State Park, The Land Trust for Tennessee, and The Conservation Fund collaborated to purchase the area for permanent protection and climbing access.
“It ended up being one of the largest climbing area acquisitions in the U.S.,” says local developer Cody Averbeck in the documentary. “Climbers haven’t often bought a piece of land worth $1.3 or $1.4 million dollars.”
Since that time, volunteers have spent over four years bolting the rock face for area climbers as well as building trails, a parking lot, and making road improvements.
The premier will take place at Cumberland Transit located at 2807 West End Avenue in Nashville. The cost is $5 for the film only or for a $10 donation film viewers will receive a commemorative mug and two craft beers from Georgia’s Terrapin Beer. Company. The event is co-sponsored by Friends of South Cumberland and all proceeds benefit the nonprofit Southeastern Climber Coalition’s Access Fund. To watch a trailer of the film, click here. •
{Editor’s Note: All photos courtesy of Steep South and Nathalie DuPre.}
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