STATE NEWS — Owning a historic building or home is often a labor of love.
On Tuesday, the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development announced that applications are now being accepted for the Tennessee Historic Development Grant Program.
Approved by the Tennessee General Assembly in April 2021, the program will provide $4.8 million to projects that aim to renovate and preserve the state’s historic buildings. The program will encourage communities and private developers to invest in buildings that have contributed to a community’s history but now sit idle. These buildings can once again contribute to the economy through job creation and commercial opportunities.
Once completed applications are submitted, awards will be made on a first-come, first-served basis. A portion of the funding will be set aside until December 31, 2021 for projects located in Tier 3 and Tier 4 communities. Various criteria must be met in order for a structure to be eligible for a grant. Eligible properties that qualify as certified historic structures are defined here.
Eligible properties include those that are part of a National Register of Historic Places historic district like the Lynchburg Historic District.
Applicants must be the person or entity who holds legal fee or leasehold title to a certified historic structure, or an identifiable portion of the certified historic structure. Applicants will be notified of award on or around July 1, 2021, and contracts are expected to begin later that month.
TNECD will be hosting webinars for interested applicants to learn more about the grant program: one on Wednesday, May 19 and a second on Thursday, May 20. Both will be held at 1 p.m. Additional information about the grant, eligibility and application can be found here. •
{The Lynchburg Times is the only daily newspaper in Lynchburg. Covering Metro Moore County government, Jack Daniel’s Distillery, Nearest Green Distillery, Tims Ford State Park, Motlow State Community College, Moore County High School, Moore County Middle School, Lynchburg Elementary, Raider Sports, plus regional and state news.}