LYNCHBURG — The Metro Moore Volunteer Fire Department (MMVFD) is among 104 Tennessee rescue squads to receive grants totaling $3 million in 2024 through the Rescue Squad Grant Program. The MMVFD will use the $25,000 grant to purchase new rescue air lifting bags. These bags are uses to lift heavy equipment like tractors off victims in certain rescue situations.
The Neoprene and fiber reinforced bags can be used to lift up to 89 tons per bag. In the past, firefighters have also occasionally use the airbags to lift small buildings to help homeowners rescue a small pet.
“We are very blessed that we received full funding for the bags,” Metro Fire Chief Mark Neal said. “These will be carried on our new (to us) rescue truck that is scheduled to arrive next week.”
Program receives an additional $1 million in funding in 2024
In 2022, state officials approved the funding of this program for the purchase of lifesaving equipment by Tennessee rescue squads. Grant awards may be used to purchase equipment for incident response and to protect the lives of squad members. In 2023, the program provided $2 million in grants to applicants.
“It’s an honor to provide resources to Tennessee’s rescue squads and help strengthen Tennessee’s rural communities,” said Tennessee State Fire Marshal and TDCI Commissioner Carter Lawrence. “I am proud that our team is supporting Tennessee rescue squads so that they may continue protecting lives and property.”
Moore County’s local all-volunteer rescue squad provides a range of specialized services including extrication, structural collapse response, and swift water rescue.
“Tennessee rescue squads provide valuable lifesaving services in their communities, and it is crucial that they have the equipment they need to safely complete their missions,” said Assistant Commissioner for Fire Prevention Gary Farley. “I want to congratulate all of the grant recipients, and I wish them safety and success in the years ahead.”
During the application period earlier this year, the SFMO received 126 applications from Tennessee rescue squads. Applications were scored internally and submitted to a seven-member committee who oversaw the award selection. The committee was composed of six members from the Tennessee Rescue Squad Association and TDCI’s Assistant Commissioner of Fire Prevention. •
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