LOCAL NEWS | A rezoning of the old Becker Animal Clinic and a revisit of both travel trailer and subdivision rules are on the agenda for Monday's Metro Council meeting.
Category: Featured Story
Raiders looking for district win against Huntland on Wednesday
LOCAL SPORTS | The Raiders will make the short trip to Huntland on Wednesday to play the postponed district matchup against the Hornets.
The Raiderettes district game against Huntland has been postponed to January 23
Official just announced that the Raiderettes game at Huntland has been postponed. They will not play on Friday. Instead, they will play next Tuesday, January 23 in Huntland.
UNDER PRESSURE: MUD Board approves plan to address local water loss
LOCAL NEWS | With state officials applying pressure, a frustrated MUD Board kicks off a local, boots-on-the-ground water meter study to try and correct excessive water losses inside the Metro system.
School Board approves fan ejection policy
LOCAL NEWS | During Monday night's meeting, the Moore County School Board approved a new unsportsmanlike policy that could require local unruly fans to pay a $250 fine.
Subdivision talks spark special Metro Planning Commission meeting
LOCAL NEWS | Proposed subdivisions are popping up on Highway 50, Mount Herman Road, Tanyard Hill, Cobb Hollow, and other rural backroads creating tension between citizens and developers. Subdivision rules will be the subject of a special-called Metro Planning Commission meeting on Thursday.
Raiders find groove, beat Forrest 51-49
LOCAL SPORTS | Senior Logan Hegwood scored the game-winning basket as time expired to lift Moore County to a 51-49 win over Forrest on Tuesday. The Raiders kick off district play on Friday in Lynchburg against Eagleville.
Metro Council lowers speed limit on Highway 82
It's steep and winding and the location of three fatalities in the past year. On Monday, the Metro Council voted to lower the speed limit on Highway 82 in Moore County.
MUD Board will revisit manager vehicle policy in January
On Tuesday, the Metro Utilities Board voted to re-open discussions about MUD Manager vehicle usage. They will vote on a new policy in January.