Lynchburg DREMC offices closed to the general public

LOCAL NEWS — As of this morning, Duck River Electric Membership Corporation will close its Lynchburg office and seven other regional office lobbies to the general public as a safety measure to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

“This decision to temporarily close the lobbies is based on the growing risk of exposure and the caution recommended by local, state and national government to help contain the spread of the virus,” says DREMC President and CEO Scott Spence. “DREMC employees are working to ensure that we provide as many essential services possible. With the lobbies closed to the public, we ask that DREMC members and vendors contact employees by phone or email when possible and continue to use the drive-through at each office for your convenience as most of them have extended hours to assist members .”

You can still contact the Lynchburg office by calling 931.759.7344, or email employees directly. Customers may also use the cooperative’s company email, [email protected] if you don’t know who to direct your communications to. They also have an after hours emergency number, 931.759.7371.

To establish, transfer or disconnect electric service, call the Lynchburg office for assistance. Another option for establishing electric service is to click the APPLY FOR SERVICE tab found on DREMC’s website homepage, download the membership application, and follow instructions. To transfer or disconnect service, please call the Lynchburg office or email [email protected].

To make bill payments, DREMC encourages members to use one of the free, fast and remote payment options, including the mobile app, website payment portal at www.dremc or by calling the office. No extra fees apply when using debit or credit cards for payments. If members choose to pay by check via phone, please speak with a DREMC member service representative and have your routing number ready.

Spence reminds DREMC members that scammers may use the current situation to attempt to take advantage of people. He reminds members that DREMC will not call and demand payment with a pre-paid card or ask for sensitive banking information over the phone. If you receive such a call, please hang up and call the Lynchburg DREMC office to discuss any concerns regarding your account.

“We regret any inconvenience the temporary lobby closings may cause, but in efforts to aid in reducing the risk of exposure to the virus, we believe this precaution is in the best interests of our members and employees,” adds Spence. “With health and safety at the forefront, DREMC employees will continue working behind the scenes to maintain the quality of service you expect and deserve from your electric cooperative.”

You can learn more at the DREMC website. •

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