LOCAL NEWS — In the days following Labor Day, Moore County Public Library officials arrived to find one of the chairs outside their back entrance destroyed.
“We were very disappointed to find that one of the chairs provided for our patrons to enjoy has been destroyed. No note of apology, no phone message asking how the person can rectify the damage, nothing,” they said on September 4 on social media.
Unfortunately, it’s not the first time the library’s experienced suspected vandalism. Incidents throughout the years necessitated security cameras at severl location outside the building. Library official say they know who is responsible and are only interested in being reimbursed for the damages to property provided by taxpayer dollars.
“The person responsible for the damage needs to fess up, even if you do it anonymously. The chair cost the taxpayer $15. Please reimburse the county for the damage you have caused. Accidents happen, we understand that, but we do not understand why we didn’t get a simple phone call of apology,” they said.
Anyone with information about the destruction of property should contact the Moore County Public Library at 931-759-7285. •
{The Lynchburg Times is an independently owned and operated newspaper that publishes new stories every morning. Covering Metro Moore County government, Jack Daniel’s Distillery, Tims Ford State Park, Motlow State Community College, Moore County High School, Moore County Middle School, Lynchburg Elementary, Raider Sports, plus regional and state news.}