Lynchburg Teddy Bear Hunt planned for April 4

big blue bear
Help us get an accurate count of the number of Teddy Bears in Moore County and you could win this Jumbo Melissa & Doug bear plus a $20 gift card to Velma’s Candy.

#sponsored content | We’ve been cooped up in our houses long enough. Let’s go on an adventure. We’ve been getting increasing reports that an unusually high number of Teddy Bears have been spotted in Moore County and we need your help to count them.

Velma’s Candy and The Lynchburg Times will be hosting the Lynchburg Teddy Bear Hunt on Saturday, April 4. All you need to do is convince mom or dad to drive you around so you can count them. Once you’re finished, email your total to [email protected]. Whichever kiddo spots the most bears will win a $20 gift card to Velma’s Candy plus a Melissa and Doug Jumbo Blue Teddy Bear.

Be sure to watch both Velma’s Candy and The Lynchburg Times Facebook pages for hints and sightings leading up to April 4. •

{The Lynchburg Times is an independently owned and operated newspaper that publishes new stories every morning. Covering Metro Moore County government, Jack Daniel’s Distillery, Nearest Green Distillery, Tims Ford State Park, Motlow State Community College, Moore County High School, Moore County Middle School, Lynchburg Elementary, Raider Sports, plus regional and state news.}