LOCAL NEWS — It’s a new twist on a well known work of fiction and it’s the March pick for the Moore County Public Library’s Brown Bag Book Club.
Finding Dorothy, a novel by Elizabeth Letts, tells the story behind The Wonderful Wizard of Oz through the eyes of author L. Frank Baum’s wife, Maud.
Set in 1938 Hollywood, MGM plans to adapt Baum’s work onto the big screen 19 years after his death and 77 year old Maud is determined to find her way onto the set. She’s convinced the producers need her to stay true to the spirit of the book. Why? Because she’s the only person still alive who knows it’s secrets. Once on set, a young Judy Garland reminds Maud of the girl she once knew in South Dakota – a place she and Frank lived that inspired much of the book. As Judy gets doubly pressured by both her ambitious stage mom and the studio, Maud become determine to protect her.
Lett’s deeply researched work transforms a certain period in time into a heart felt page turner.
The Brown Bag Book Club meets every Friday at 1 p.m. at the Moore County Public Library located at 17 Majors Boulevard. They begin and end a new book on the last Friday of each month. For more information, call 931-759-7285. •
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