Moore County citizens can now pre-register for COVID vaccine

According to the state website, there’s no new COVID-19 vaccine headed to Moore County this week but there’s now a state website where citizens can pre-register for the next round. (File Photo)

STATE NEWS — Despite the fact that there are again no additional shipments of COVID-19 vaccine headed to Moore County this week, Metro Mayor Bonnie Lewis says she feels optimistic that that will soon change and that the next round of public vaccinations in Lynchburg will go much more smoothly than the first.

“The Tennessee Department of Health recently launched an online registration portal so that Moore County residents can make appointments to receive the COVID-19 vaccine,” said Mayor Lewis through Metro’s social media page. “We will do what is needed to assist our seniors set appointments.”

You can now pre-register for a vaccination by clicking here.

Vaccine rollout changing constantly

Like any major health initiative that requires federal, state, and local coordination things tend to evolve quickly. Such is the case with the COVID-19 vaccine rollout in Moore County. On December 21, Assistant EMA Director Hunter Case became the first person in Moore County to receive the vaccine. For the next two weeks, local health department officials focused on vaccinating all Moore County 1a1 and 1a2 individuals like high exposure health care workers, first responders, and healthcare workers with direct patient exposure. On January 2, Moore County held it’s first public vaccination date for citizens 75 years of age and older.

It was a frustrating day for both local health care workers and those trying to get the vaccine. Mayor Lewis says local officials learned lessons that day and that future public vaccination dates will be by-appointment, drive thru events held at the new ballpark located along Main Street.

Originally the plan was to move vaccination events to Wiseman Park but after some deliberation, Mayor Lewis and local health care workers decided it would be easier to control the temperature for those administering the vaccine with a tent at the new park rather than an open air pavilion.

“The plan is to have the tent up and ready by the time we get the next shipment of vaccines,” said Mayor Lewis.

As of Monday, there was still no next shipment headed to Moore County, according to the state website. The Vaccine Information Sheet for Monday, January 11 stated that limited vaccine would be available in Bedford County but Coffee, Franklin, and Lincoln counties would also no receive additional vaccines this week. •

{The Lynchburg Times is the only independently owned and operated newspaper in Lynchburg, Tennessee. We cover Metro Moore County government, Jack Daniel’s Distillery, Nearest Green Distillery, Tims Ford State Park, Motlow State Community College, Moore County High School, Moore County Middle School, Lynchburg Elementary, Raider Sports, plus regional and state news.}