It all started with an idea to make Lynchburg a little more festive for the holidays several years ago, according to Metro Mayor Bonnie Lewis.
“It was decided that if we added something every year; the combination of all those things would look amazing in just a few years. Someone from Jack Daniel’s was at that meeting and made a financial commitment to the project,” Mayor Lewis says. “Thank you to the distillery for always supporting local ideas. Working together with the hospitality and event staff, management and maintenance at the distillery allows wonderful things to happen in Lynchburg that other towns have to use taxpayer money to have.”
What you now see in historic downtown Lynchburg is a culmination of several years of work, each layering onto the next and all with the aim of celebrating a fabulous, small town Christmas. It started with adding snowflake lights to local power poles a few years ago. Last year, organizers added wreaths and garland around town. They also spruced up the holiday lights around the historic Lynchburg Square. This year, they’ve added a couple of six foot tall Nutcrackers, who now stand guard in front of the Moore County Courthouse and at the Lynchburg Gazebo for some holiday photo ops. Altogether with the charmingly decorated storefront windows of local Lynchburg merchants, the effect is miles away from a crowded mall parking lot and the chaos of big box retailers.
The highlight of Saturday will be the annual lighting of the Jack Daniel’s Barrel Tree in front of the Visitor’s Center at 3:30 p.m. Several other local small businesses also plan special events for Saturday.
1 | Miss Mary Bobo’s Restaurant will host their annual Holiday Open House on Saturday from 4:30 t0 6:30 p.m. Guests can take a picture with Santa, decorate Christmas cookies, and mail letters to the North Pole.
2 | The Perfect Picker plans a Open House for Saturday form 4 to 7 p.m. They offers holiday shopping as well as local art, handmade items, snacks, and some door prizes.
3 | Lynchburg Harley-Davidson will host a Friends & Family Night from 5 to 8 p.m. featuring refreshments and prizes.
4 | If you happen to be in town in time, stop by Southern Perks Cafe for a cup of their Homemade Hot Chocolate. It’s the perfect strolling around the Square shopping for Christmas gifts drink.
5| Also Lynchburg Winery will host Music in the Holler on Saturday from 6 to 8 p.m. featuring Luke Ledbetter.
{Editor’s Note: We’ll update this list with other local merchant special events as those details are made available to us.}
Also mark your calendar for Saturday, December 3 for Christmas in Lynchburg will feature Breakfast with Santa, a collectible ornament giveaway, and the annual Christmas Parade. •
{The Lynchburg Times is the only daily newspaper in Lynchburg. Covering Metro Moore County government, Jack Daniel’s Distillery, Nearest Green Distillery, Tims Ford State Park, Motlow State Community College, Moore County High School, Moore County Middle School, Lynchburg Elementary, Raider Sports, plus regional and state news.}