LYNCHBURG, Tenn. — On Monday night, during their regular session meeting, the Metro Council appointed Shaun Sherrill as Metro Moore County’s next Property Tax Assessor. Sherrill will replace Darrin Harrison, who passes away suddenly on October 31 at the age of 56. Originally elected in 2012, Harrison was in the middle of his third term at the time of his death.
According to Mayor Stewart, state officials inserted some urgency in replacing Harrison. State Comptroller officials visited Lynchburg this week, and advised Stewart that with an impending re-appraisal cycle, the office needed to be filled immediately. Local officials had just 120 days from October 31 to appoint someone to replace Harrison.
Council members nominated three candidates. Nominees included Sandy Lewis, Tom Taylor, and Sherrill. Each were given two minutes to briefly summarize their qualifications before the vote.
Lewis spoke first and mentioned her degrees in both accounting and finance as well as her experience in fixed asset management and accounting in the construction industry. Lewis served on the Metro Council from 2016-2020 and previously ran for the office of Property Tax Assessor “I want to serve the Council, the Budget Committee, and the public and streamline the property tax process,” she told the Council.
Sherrill spoke next. He told that Council that he’d served in area law enforcement for the past 16 years as well as working in construction and home renovation. He mentioned that he’d assisted Harrison in the past with measuring houses for tax appraisal purposes. Previous to his appointment, Sherrill served as the SRO for Moore County High School. “I’d like to carry on being a public servant for this county,” he stated.
Last up was Tom Taylor. Taylor mentioned that he was a lifelong resident of Moore County and a self-described Jack-of-all-trades in the construction world. He also spoke of his experience in drafting as architecture as well as his work experience as a church treasurer and certified Christian financial advisor. Taylor stated that he’d assisted Harrison by measuring houses since last November.
First one to eight votes wins
The rules of the appointment were explained to the Council by Chair Amy Cashion prior to the vote. There would be multiple rounds of roll call votes. The person with the lowest vote total would be eliminate after the first round and then voting would continue until one candidate achieved a simple majority or eight votes.
After the first round, Sherrill had seven votes (Shane Taylor, Douglas Carson, Arvis Bobo, Dexter Golden, Robert Bracewell, Peggy Sue Blackburn, and Bradley Dye). Lewis enjoyed four votes (Sunny Rae Moorehead, Houston Lindsey, Jimmy Hammond, and John Taylor). Tom Taylor got three votes (Greg Guinn, Gerald Burnett, and Amy Cashion). As such, Chair Cashion dropped Taylor from the next round of voting.
After the second round of votes, Sherrill got the same seven votes (Shane Taylor, Douglas Carson, Arvis Bobo, Dexter Golden, Robert Bracewell, Peggy Sue Blackburn, and Bradley Dye) with Burnett and Guinn switching their votes to Lewis. Chair Cashion abstained from voting as the insistence of Robert Bracewell based on his interpretation of the rules listed in the Metro Charter, even after being told by County Attorney John T. Bobo that abstaining was not necessary.
“I think it’s immaterial to the vote this past time but I do believe she can vote and may need to on the the next round,” he told the Council.
On the next round of votes, Chair Cashion cast her vote for Sherill – giving him the required eight votes to secure the appointment.
County Attorney Bobo swore in Sherrill immediately following the meeting and he took office on Tuesday. He will serve the remainder of Harrison’s term and then the public will vote during the next County General Election cycle, which takes place August 2024. Candidates who plan to run can pick up qualifying forms in January from the local Election Commission office located inside the Moore County Building. For questions about that process, contact the Moore County Administrator of Elections Jim Sanders at 931-759-4532. Or for state election guidelines, visit the Tennessee Secretary of State website. •
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