LYNCHBURG — It’s gonna be a long agenda when the Metro Utility Department (MUD) Board meets next Tuesday at 6 p.m. in their April meeting. Five “new business” items appear on the recently released agenda.
Local Tim Durm has asked to speak to the Board about a recent adjustment issued to his bill at his rental home located at 275 Main Street. The MUD billing department follows the procedures approved by the Board, and any rate payer wishing to have special consideration of a bill line item must bring that request to the Board.
Bert Carson of Sustainability Partners will also speak with the Board. Member Greg Guinn spoke about this company during the March meeting. The company converts infrastructure costs into a usage-based utility-like service. They partner with local utilities to get infrastructure paid for when state and federal grant monies aren’t available. To learn more about their company, click here.
Chip Hayes, the developer behind the Whiskey Creek tiny home community, will appear before the Board to discuss and review the pending contract with MUD to provide both water and sewer at the development located along Main Street in the Urban Service District (the former Lynchburg City Limits). The development got the green light back in 2021, but there’s been little movement on the project since.
The Board will discuss the 2022-23 financial audit review from the Tennessee Comptroller’s office. They will also discuss a recent Metro Water and Sewer rate study. Finally, the Board will look over a draft of the 2024-25 MUD budget proposal.
MUD Manager Ronnie Cunningham will give his monthly report as well as engineers currently working for MUD on current or proposed projects.
The meeting will take place on Tuesday, April 9 beginning at 6 p.m. at the Metro Utility Department offices located at 705 Fayetteville Highway in Lynchburg. All meetings are open to the general public. There will be a public comment period in which any member of the general public can appear and be heard on any agenda item.
Those making public comments should be residents of Moore County and their topics will be limited to those listed on the public agenda. The policy also requires those who wish to speak at any public meeting to notify MUD Board Chair Shane Taylor by no later than 4 p.m. the day of the scheduled meeting. You can reach Taylor at [email protected] or the MUD offices at 931-759-4297.
To read a copy of the 2023 changes made to the public comment laws in Tennessee, click here. •
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