State burn permits now required in Moore County

MOORE COUNTY — According to the rain gauge located at Tims Ford Dam, Moore County has received no rain so far in October. The last time we received any measurable precipitation was .21 inches back on September 14. It’s dry out there and only forecasted to get drier over the winter months.

Careless debris burning is a major cause of wildfires in the winter. Moore County fire officials remind locals to avoid burning in dry weather conditions and when it’s windy. You should always keep water nearby and stay with an outdoor fire until it’s completely out.

Burn permits required through May 15

Through May 15, the Metro Volunteer Fire Department and the Tennessee Division of Forestry (TDF) would like to remind Moore County citizens that Debris Burn Permits will be required. During this time, anyone starting an open-air fire within 500 feet of a forest, grassland, or woodland must by law secure a burning permit from the Division of Forestry. To read their complete Open Burning Guidelines click here.

The permits are free and can be obtained online at the New Burn Permit Application site. Permits are available online seven days a week form 8 a.m. to 11 p.m. Permits are also available via phone Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. except on major holidays. Call the Moore County number at 877-350-BURN (2876).

Applicable are good for single day for individual burn piles for both leaves and brush. Citizens can not burn tires or other rubber products, paints and chemicals, household trash, plastics, aerosol and food cans, electrical wiring, oils, asphalt shingles, paper products, buildings, clothing, or furniture. Large scale burning for construction site prep, agricultural clearing, wildlife area prep will require a an approved request from a a Division of Forestry representative.

Some types of debris – such as leaves, grass and stubble – may be of more value if they are not burned, according to the state website. Composting can yield valuable organic matter that can be used to enrich the soil while helping extend the useful life of landfills. In addition, tree branches, trunks, and brush can sometimes be chipped up and simply blown back into the woods or collected and hauled away. Other times, potential hazardous debris near a structure can simply be drug back into the open woods where it poses no threat to structures. 

If you plan to burn, you should always notify both the local fire department and your neighbors and stay with the burn pile until it’s completely extinguished. For more information about safe debris burning and stay up-to-date on any burn bans that may be implemented during the dry winter, visit the state site by clicking here.

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