State Park plans New Moon Hike at Stone Door

State Park plans New Moon Hike at Stone Door
According to historians, Native Americans used Stone Door for centuries as a passage way from the cliff tops to the gorges below. {Photo Courtesy of TN State Parks}

EVENTS | Outdoors — It’s a ten foot wide by 100 feet deep crack in a sandstone cliff located in Savage Gulf State Natural Area. It’s looks like a giant door left ajar and historically it was used by Tennessee Native Americans as a passage way. Below is an old-growth forest filled with oaks, hickories, maples, yellow poplars, hemlocks, pines and many other tree species. And on Wednesday, November 27 above will be nothing but star light as the new moon arrives.

South Cumberland State Park will host a New Moon Hike that night from 7-10 p.m. Ranger Spencer will lead a small group of hikers on a two mile round trip hike to see breathtaking views at night. Hikers should bring their own head lamps and be sure to wear sturdy hiking shoes and warm clothes.

The cost is $10 per person and pre-registration is required as the class size is limited to just 10 people. To register for the event, click here. Hikers will meet at 1183 Stone Door Road in Beersheeba Springs. •

Editor’s Note: As of Thursday, November 14 there were still six spots available.

{The Lynchburg Times is an independently owned and operated newspaper that publishes new stories every morning. Covering Metro Moore County government, Jack Daniel’s Distillery, Nearest Green Distillery, Tims Ford State Park, Motlow State Community College, Moore County High School, Moore County Middle School, Lynchburg Elementary, Raider Sports, plus regional and state news.}