Local astronomer Hix says the best spots in Moore County to view the Christmas Star will be hilltops, away from city lights, with unobstructed views to the south-southwest.
Category: Sports
Area state parks plan Day After Thanksgiving Hikes
Four area state parks — Old Stone Fort, Henry Horton, Cumberland Trail, and South Cumberland — will offer Day After Thanksgiving Hikes on November 27.
Watch where you step, it’s baby copperhead season
Going for a hike to see the fall colors? Great. But watch where you step. It's baby copperhead season in Tennessee.
Tims Ford plans outdoor survival school
If you had to survive using only things commonly on your person, could you make it? Learn the basics of thriving in the wilderness at Forged at the Ford.
Deer archery season opens September 26
It's officially fall y'all. Deer Archery-only season will open statewide in Tennessee on Saturday.
5 Things to Do This Weekend
A hike past Adams Falls, an art show on the picturesque Monte Sano Mountain, and a whiskey tasting at a charming Winchester distillery ... yeah there are lot of safe, small venue, socially distanced things to do this weekend.
150,000 Purple Martins roost in downtown Nashville
An estimated 150,000 Purple Martin are currently putting on quite a show (and creating quite a mess) in downtown Nashville.
TWRA: Dove season opens September 1
The Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency reminds Moore County hunters that dove season kicks off September 1.
Oak Barrel Half confirms October date and offers virtual option
Organizers remind runner that the 2020 Oak Barrel Half Marathon will take place on October 24 as planned. Runners can participate virtually as well.
Tims Fords State Park, others issue mask requirement
Masks are now required inside any Tennessee State Park facility where employees or the general public might gather.