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The Jack returns to Lynchburg on Saturday

The 34th Annual Jack Daniel's World Championship Invitational Barbecue, considered the world's most prestigious barbecue competition, returns to Lynchburg, Tennessee this weekend. Teams from around the globe will compete in seven categories to be named the Grand Champion. Event proceeds will go towards the Moore County school system.


Jack expands Visitors’ Center tasting rooms

LYNCHBURG, Tenn. — It's Wednesday afternoon as Jack Daniel's Distillery Homeplace Director Erik Brown walks us through the George Green Barrel House as an Angel's Share Tasting Tour is happening to our right. As we look on, the guide talks about Jack Daniel's Single Barrel whiskey, and how it's the whiskey that benefits most from the Angel's Share – or the whiskey lost due to evaporation during the aging process. It's an immersive experience that Brown wants to replicate as six new tasting rooms come online next year.

It's a move Brown says he's been working on since he arrived in Lynchburg in March 2022. {To read our 2022 interview with Brown, follow this link.} He says the first time he visited The Holler as the soon-to-be Lynchburg Homeplace Director, he knew one of the goals of his new position would be to build more tasting rooms.

“We’re very focused on answering the question: how can we give our Jack lovers more," Brown says. "We always want to give them something new to experience each time they visit."