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Southern Stargazing: Unicorn meteor storm predicted for Thursday

Southern Stargazing: Unicorn meteor storm predicted for Thursday

For centuries, folks have looked up fascinated with the stars, moon, planets, and other celestial object. Our night’s sky exists as a brilliant, ever-changing painting that leaves most feeling awed and strangely at peace. Thursday night, those of us in southern, middle Tennessee will get a rare chance to view a “unicorn” meteor storm. That’s...

Help Moore County become a state leader in composting

Help Moore County become a state leader in composting

STATE NEWS — The United States generates over 258 million tons of solid waste annually. This includes all household packaging, clothing, bottles, food scraps, newspapers, batteries, and everything else we casually toss into our garbage cans. And now those over 2,000 landfills – including 31 right here in Tennessee – are rapidly reaching capacity. One...

Save the Date: Christmas in Lynchburg on Dec. 7

Save the Date: Christmas in Lynchburg on Dec. 7

EVENTS — It’s a holiday tradition and so much fun. Save the date for Christmas in Lynchburg to take place on Saturday, December 7 in and around the historic Lynchburg Square. Things kick off with Breakfast with Santa at the Masonic Lodge. Other events include the FCE Cookie Sale, merchant gingerbread house displays, a candy...

Tims Ford plans Carve-a-Pumpkin event

Tims Ford plans Carve-a-Pumpkin event

EVENTS | Franklin County — It’s October and pumpkin carving is top of mind. It’s fun to pick out a pumpkin and carve at home but somehow the fun and creativity factor goes up a notch when you make it a group activity. On Saturday, October 19 Tims Ford State Park will host a Carve...